

May 12, 2017

IDE South East Regional Meeting summary

The IDE successfully hosted the second South Regional meeting of 2017 on the 4th May, and decided to remind everyone who couldn't attend what they missed. You won't want to miss the next one!

There were three presentations given during the meeting sponsored by Erith Contractors and held at their 33 Grosvenor Place site in London. Nick Turnbull from GNAT-UK spoke about the Brokk remote Demolition of the Shrewsbury Flax Mills Silos, which were located adjacent to the Grade One listed, and first ever, iron framed building erected in the World.

Mark Greenhalgh from Peak Access spoke about the rope access industry and assistance given to Erith and the National Trust in recovering valuable documents from an 18th century stately home fire.

Finally there was Terry Madden of Erith. He spoke about the demolition, façade retention, and enabling works package for the Cross Rail Eastern Ticket Hall OSD Bond Street and Hanover Square redevelopment.

The next South East Regional Meeting will be held in August or September. 37 attended the May 4th event, hopefully the numbers for the next one will be even higher.

Source: IDE

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