

May 17, 2017

Ridiculous Decision: White asbestos not added to hazardous substances list

I think everyone visiting this website realizes just how dangerous asbestos in any form can be. So you'll be as surprised as we were to learn that white asbestos (Chrysotile) is not being added to the Rotterdam Convention's list of hazardous substances.

In order for a substance to be added to the list, a unanimous decision is required by all countries involved. At a recent meeting in Geneva that unanimity was not reached with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Zimbabwe, India, and Syria all choosing to vote against adding it. That's despite the recommendation of the scientific community all countries are meant to listen to.

Arthur Frank, a public health scientist at Drexel University in the USA said,

"It is absolutely disgusting that a small number of countries that pedal death and disease to the rest of the world can block over 190 countries wanting to – not ban a product – but label it for what it is: an extremely toxic and dangerous, cancer-causing agent. This is the tyranny of the minority."

Chrysotile was first recommended for the hazardous substances list back in 2006. The fact it still hasn't been added, combined with the decision taken by those countries mentioned above to block it, calls into question the credibility of the Rotterdam Convention for some.

No next meeting of the Rotterdam Convention signatories does not happen until 2019.

Source: SHP

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